Volume: 25  Issue: 5 (2015)
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Importance of diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging at differentiation of cholesteatoma and granulation tissue in patients with chronic suppurative otitis media
PMID: 26476512  Pages 255 - 265
Göksel Tuzcu, Aytül Hande Yardımcı, Önder Turna, Reyyan Elif Goner, Engin Acıoğlu
[Abstract] [Full Text] [CrossRef]  (Article In Turkish) (2006 accesses)

Influence of nasal pack removal on patients’ anxiety after septoplasty
PMID: 26476513  Pages 266 - 270
Caner Şahin, Hatice İmer Aras
[Abstract] [Full Text] [CrossRef]  (Article In English) (1719 accesses)

Establishment and reliability test of a “Vertigo Council Diagnosis Questionnaire” for patients with chronic vestibular dysfunction: preliminary study
PMID: 26476514  Pages 271 - 274
Hale Karapolat, Neşe Çelebisoy, Figen Gökçay, Cem Bilgen, Gulnur Ozgen, Sercan Gode, Tayfun Kirazlı
[Abstract] [Full Text] [CrossRef]  (Article In English) (1514 accesses)

Pack free septoplasty: functional outcomes and complications
PMID: 26476515  Pages 275 - 278
Erkan Eşki, İsmail Yılmaz
[Abstract] [Full Text] [CrossRef]  (Article In English) (1544 accesses)

Prevalence of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo among motocross racers: a case-control study
PMID: 26476516  Pages 279 - 283
Deniz Hancı, Hüseyin Altun
[Abstract] [Full Text] [CrossRef]  (Article In English) (1841 accesses)

Impact of markedly nasal septal deviation on 24-hour rhythm Holter findings
PMID: 26476517  Pages 284 - 288
Serhan Derin, Fatih Akın, Murat Şahan, İbrahim Altun, Cem Şahin, Sultan Şevik Eliçora
[Abstract] [Full Text] [CrossRef]  (Article In Turkish) (1383 accesses)

The relationship between platelet count and mean platelet volume with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
PMID: 26476518  Pages 289 - 294
Doğan Atan, Fatma Cemre Sazak Kundi, Kürşat Murat Özcan, Hüseyin Dere
[Abstract] [Full Text] [CrossRef]  (Article In Turkish) (1279 accesses)

Rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis: two case reports in the light of the literature
PMID: 26476519  Pages 295 - 301
Medine Kara, Halil Erdoğan, Tolgahan Toroslu, Alper Akçalı, Müşerref Tatman Okun, Mustafa Reşorlu, Fevzi Sefa Dereköy
[Abstract] [Full Text] [CrossRef]  (Article In Turkish) (1783 accesses)

Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the accessory parotid gland
PMID: 26476520  Pages 302 - 305
Deniz Baklacı, Volkan Güngör, Müge Özcan, Yavuz Fuat Yılmaz, Adnan Ünal, Aysel Çolak
[Abstract] [Full Text] [CrossRef]  (Article In English) (1515 accesses)

A rare, incidental submandibular hydatid cyst
PMID: 26476521  Pages 306 - 309
Murat Doğan, Halil Polat, Ömer Ayyıldız, Mustafa Güreli
[Abstract] [Full Text] [CrossRef]  (Article In English) (1317 accesses)

Hyoid osteoradionecrosis accompanied by candida infection
PMID: 26476522  Pages 310 - 314
Güler Yavaş, Gonca Kara Gedik, Bahar Çolpan, Özlem Ata, Kayhan Öztürk, Oktay Sarı
[Abstract] [Full Text] [CrossRef]  (Article In English) (1535 accesses)

Submucosal lingual schwannoma
PMID: 26476523  Pages 315 - 318
Bülent Ulusoy, Kazım Bozdemir, Elif Ersoy Çallıoğlu, Ahmet Kutluhan, Mehmet Hakan Korkmaz
[Abstract] [Full Text] [CrossRef]  (Article In Turkish) (1821 accesses)